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Ah, my friends...

It's a few days until the 90 dry days begin, and I've just realised that the 1st to the 3rd of September (ie the first three days of the challenge) are a weekend away for my in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary. My husband's family are the most generous of hosts when it comes to food and -- shock horror -- WINE. And we have to take the kids, so it will be challenge with a capital Ch. It's also the day The Dog's ADHD meds run out, although a few frantic phone calls this afternoon may just about avert disaster on that front. My final horrendous realisation is that one of my children has no PE trainers for next week, yet chances of me taking an autistic child to Clarks in the week before schools go back are NIL.

There are so many things I should write about tonight, but the sad truth is that I've had a glass or two of wine. I think I should sign off and attempt to get coherent in the morning! Although it might be best to stay a bit less coherent if the shoe shop awaits...


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