And so, having been swallowed by Christmas and poorly kids for a couple of weeks, I find myself at the end of 2017. With that must come the end of this blog, as it has already lasted a month longer than planned. A few final thoughts, however - because I’m not actually capable of shutting up. Ever. Firstly, please consider ‘giving back’ in 2018. It makes you feel good, or in Big Words: the positive effects on your mental health are well documented. If you get involved with a charity that has touched your life in some way, you are likely to find a tribe of people Just Like You, whether that’s SEN parents, cancer survivors, anti-suicide campaigners or whatever else is relevant to you or your family and friends. And if this blog has shown you anything, it should show you that you can be sponsored to take on any crazy challenge you can think up. Think of something your friends wouldn’t expect you to do, then do it. Or call your favoured charity and ask if you can help in some practical ...
Ramblings about 90 days without alcohol and life with my 3 boys and their Special Needs. Featuring The Big Boy (Dyspraxia, Aspergers) and twins known fondly as The Cat (Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder) and The Dog (ADHD, autistic traits). This is my attempt at maternal self-care, as I am as hopeless as can be in that particular field of endeavour. Sponsorship goes to The ADD-vance ADHD and Autism Trust, who first advised me to look after myself.